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Ludi Newsletter

Dwindling reimbursement, regulatory uncertainty, and shifting payment models have hospital leaders navigating a rapidly growing landscape of choices. Here are our notes on what decision-makers need to know in the industry to stay ahead of the changing tides.

Handpicked Articles For You

Helpful insights—no reading involved! Evariant hosted a webcast  that was popular among financial leaders in hospitals on 4 Strategic Goals for Physician Alignment. The webcast provided listeners with tips to help improve the in-network activity and referral rates with network physicians—you can stream their recording of the live event at the above link.

Fuzzy on the legal best practices for physician contracting?  Holland&Hart created a "checklist" (more like a glossary) offering a legal overview of terms that hospitals may want to consider including in their active physician contracts.

Millions of dollars in net income suddenly disappeared for major hospitals. According to the Harvard Business Review, several big-name hospitals reported significant declines and, in some cases, net losses to their FY 2016 operating margins. Forbes sheds light on the root of the problem -- overall, more care is needed with less ability to pay. With increasing expenses and flat revenues, it's more important than ever for hospitals to have full visibility into where their money is going and be able to derive potential savings in key areas.

 Insights From Us

In our latest article, Negotiating the Win Win for Physician and Hospital Relationshipswe discussed key things to consider when building the physician and hospital relationship.Negotiating the win win for physician and hospital relationships.png

Here's the summary breakdown: 

Hospitals need physician partner time: How to do it? First of all, don’t preach or sermonize. Physicians are watching their hospital partners and the “town hall” approach of “we are in this together” has lost its allure. Leaders of health systems need to state their goal; be succinct and stay way from the “buzzkill” of spiraling costs, lack of access, etc. 

Physicians need to be actual partners: Identify physician leaders who see the role as part of their career path. Physicians want control and autonomy, give them the data and allow them the space to work through answers.

Candid communication and transparency are key: Detailing rewards for the physician in terms of promotions, certifications, and revenue sharing in an engaging realistic manner goes miles when working with your physician partners. Find out what matters to them personally and professionally.  

Federal regulations are a hornet’s nest of issues: They are tough to understand and decipher and can appear as a way for the health system to neglect or flat out ignore the physician’s interest.  

Read the Full Article Here

[Key Findings] U.S. Cost Report Data that can Drive Revenue

We spotlighted three focus areas from the report that could help hospitals recoup more payments they are due.

Us Cost Report Data That Can Drive Revenue

Check out this infographic directly — no form required — to see what we learned, and how your hospital can use the insights to improve their reporting and maximize collection.

Case Study Spotlight

Kennedy Health Systems, Inc. turned to Ludi to help with tracking medical directors’ administrative time. After just two months, they saw the impact of DocTime Log —physicians logged a total of 1,795 hours of work.

Download the full case study to learn more about how Ludi's DocTime Log software transformed Kennedy Health's contract management.


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